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Raising Mal-Adjusted Kids in 6 Easy Steps!

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Do you want to learn the secrets and techniques for guiding fearful and emotionally dangerous children? Do you need to discover ways to feed youngsters who develop both anger, jealousy and acid? Would you like to discover ways to destroy your child's self-confidence so that he can start taking and using tablets as soon as possible? Are you interested in changing siblings to each different person so that they envy them and distrust each different person?

The amount of emotional baggage and lack of puberty in these people makes them incapable of parenting. How can it be assumed that an adult has stopped growing emotionally at the age of twelve to raise the level of an emotionally strong youth?

The truth is, everyone can give you "good" parenting advice, but what can you prove from it? To be a terrible kid, you have to put yourself in mom and dad's shoes knowing that their intentions are fake and toxic at the worst possible time. They can show you your assets that you wouldn't consider yourself. So if you are interested in breeding real losers, follow these 6 steps as consistently as possible.

Step One: Stay Away From Your Wife! Fight and argue with your spouse at every possible opportunity. Make sure your kids attend those blasts. Not respecting you as much as possible. Call your friend bad names and slander or slander him loudly enough against your children to get their attention all over the house. Remember that your children will focus on you. If you really need to reduce your child's mental destruction, tell your loser that the opposite number is decreasing every time. These simple, fluid steps can accelerate your ability to raise the bar on an angry, corrupt, and disrespectful youth. Remember that your son tends to treat his wife the same way you treat your wife. If you really follow these instructions, now it will not be easy to set your little ones in the direction of self-destruction, but, moreover, the fate of your grandchildren and generations is your fate.

Step 2. Decline! Never hesitate to insult, criticize, reject and belittle your children. To induce lasting damage, you have to start when they are very young. Keep telling them, "You're stupid!" "you're a loser!" "You won't get anything either!" "Garbage!" "It looks terrible!" You can quickly destroy your self-image by helping to tell them that they are fat or ugly. In addition to the destruction, constantly evaluate it with a version in a magazine or on a television screen.

Step 3. Gossip! When your children are listening, discover as much gossip as you can in your circle of relatives and friends. Removing your own circle of family, people and friends is a wonderful ability to grow and accommodate your young children. This will ensure that your child will become a very important person. If you have nothing bad to say, just do something and make sure your kids pay attention to you.

Step 4. Lie! Let your children lie to you and then deny it. This is an absolutely essential step. There is no way you can harm your children unless you become a master of "lying and denying". Lie to your children and your partner as often as possible. Check out the "hood" and cover your tracks. Don't admit to a mistake or a terrible act. Most of the time he uses lies to hide lies. This will help your children not feel responsible now that they no longer admit their mistakes and are no longer responsible for their behavior.

Step 5. Buy it! Replace love with cloth things! This is perhaps the most basic step. Since few parents no longer love each other, they find it difficult to please or show sympathy. You can't act like everyone else if you don't like yourself. The key is to shop for your kids! Exchange love for bribes and cloth collectibles. And the angrier their demands, the greater the need to meet them.

Step 6. Be her friend! - I just heard someone say: "All the young people drink and smoke marijuana, what should I do? I let them do the same so I can fit in with the public." I definitely think this is a well informed parent. Let your kids do what they need without limits. If your neighbor's children eat food, let your children do the same. All kids do it, right? If your partner smokes weed for free, don't let your child know that there might be a superior style.