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Screen-Free Activities for Kids to Do at Home

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Technology has made everything much easier but your kids may also stare at their phones all day long. If you want to change the habit, you may alter their screen time with these screen-free activities for kids.

Of course, the changes might take place gradually. On the other hand, it helps you to create a stronger bond with your little people.

1. Play a board game

Keep in mind that kids love to play despite their age. In that case, playing a board game will be one of the best non-screen activities to do at home, for sure. Also, you can ask all family members to be involved in this game; it strengthens the bond and everyone is having a good time.

2. Learn a new language

This activity might not be for everyone but learning a new language is one of the most productive screen-free activities for students. Well, they may still use their phones to access the app or site. Still, it is for educational purposes and at least your kid learns a new thing.

3. Cooking together

At some point, your young toddler could be a perfect chef in the kitchen. So, why don’t you trust this little person to cook meals with you? Besides, cooking is part of the screen-free activities for 3 years old people.

Of course, they will need your assistance and you need to help them put things in a bowl. Then, you can start by making simple snacks or pancakes. Don’t forget to give them credit when mealtime comes.

All in all, creating clear boundaries and rules as well as sticking with what you’ve set will help them understand why too much screen time is not good. So, which one of the screen-free activities for kids above do you like?